Thanks a billion to the great teacher Sardar Jasbir Singh Ji, our ideal Veer Ji! A teacher is not the one who teaches their student to follow the path created by others. He/She is the one who teaches us to create our own path and make others learn as well. We have met so many teachers in our life but you are the one from whom we have learned the real value of transforming our knowledge for creating our way in Guru’s will, with its unique teaching to human lives. Such a person is called an ideal teacher. You are a friend and mentor of his students. You have taken personal interest in our studies and help at every step inside as well as outside the class. It is a great privilege and honor to be the student of such a teacher.
Our respectable Veer Ji... Sardar Jasbir Singh Ji! You are the one who was always there for us, to pull out our hand from the bog of illiteracy, where everyone used to band over and say “Ohh.... we are sorry we cannot help you out” and made us think vulnerable or humiliated sometimes. That will not be wrong to say that you were there for us in every movement to encourage us and to empower us. These 20 years with you has taught us so many things in our life. You were there for us to teach us in every single step.
Burning the midnight oil! Your great efforts and hard work have brought us to that way, where we could not think of and we all were not able to ask a single question to all those people living in our neighbour at that time they used to call us with so many disgusting names and now that is no more but that was possible when you were there and looking into our eyes encouraging, empowering us.
These 20 years have taught us so many things with you, which could not be stolen from us and are not able to think of that way.
We all are grateful for your unconditional love for the quome (community) and vision to open our third eye or to wake us up with your teaching in subject to meet my Guru and its teaching. And it is true that whose Guru is “Shabad” that quome (community) never can be uneducated. Therefore, we think that your teaching has transformed our knowledge and given us a gross gift to all of us.
We all make you believe that we will accept the Guru’s will and we will take the message of our true Guru to all over the world and to every single person. So, we can join our souls with Guru’s “Shabt” to make our lives better. Thank you a lot, once more for your great efforts to make our life better with Guru’s teaching!
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